Linehub achieves the ISO 27001 Certification

Last Updated
May 4, 2023
The importance of information security is increasing day by day with individuals and companies wanting to be confident that their data is managed and protected wisely. Linehub has obtained the ISO 27001 certification after passing the audits with no non-conformities. This internationally recognized certification confirms that Linehub meets all the requirements of an information security management system. Recognizing and acknowledging that Linehub handles all data responsibly and according to the information security standards.
“ ISO 27001 is very important for Linehub and its clients because it helps demonstrate a commitment to and utmost care of information security. It also meets legal and regulatory requirements of the industries our clients operate in, manages all kinds of security risks and supports continuous improvement. ” Barry Kampstra – CTO Linehub
What is ISO 27001?
ISO 27001 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for an information security management system, also known as ISMS. It provides a systematic approach for managing and protecting sensitive information including personal data, financial information and intellectual property.
If an organization meets the requirements of the standard, it is eligible to receive an ISO 27001 certificate. This certificate serves as a formal recognition that the organization’s ISMS meets internationally recognized best practices for information security management.
“ The ISO 27001 certification strengthens our security measures, enabling us to proactively identify and address potential breaches, threats, and vulnerabilities. The fact that we passed the audit without any non-conformities accentuates our commitment to safeguarding our data and maintaining client trust. ” Marc Hoekstra – Security & Compliance Officer
The benefits of an ISO 27001 certificate
By obtaining the certificate, Linehub can continue to gain their customer’s confidence and trust in the ability to safeguard their sensitive information. Additionally, it minimizes the risk of information security incidents and helps clients comply with legal and regulatory requirements in their industry. Linehub is proud to have earned this certificate and is committed to continuously enhancing and refining its data security while exploring new opportunities and delivering true value to its clients and partners.